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Beginners to Advanced

Royal Spirit

Abundance Activation

You have always been abundant, but believed you are not! 


Any stagnation, limitation or blockage of abundance takes a toll on all other aspects of life whether its family, love life, career, or even personal levels of happiness and joy as abundance is directly connected to all experiences in your life.


Abundance is not something outside you that you earn, gain or attain, even though your external world can indicate your level of abundance. Everything is energy and mindset influences your vibration. 


Abundance is a frequency within your sacred heart that you tune into and the more you refine it , expand it and increase its energetic bandwidth, the more you will experience and receive in your external reality whether its abundance in relationships, jobs or money. 



You are a master creator & abundance is your natural state of being. 


Activate your abundance frequency so you can receive the wealth, the richness, the prosperity in magnitude with ease & learn the tools on manifesting in the abundance bandwidth to enhance your creation experience.


​You will feel stronger, elevated & more powerful in your creation. You will amplify your abundance frequency & have all the tools to constantly take yourself to the next level.


You will know the power of your creator abilities.

Here's what you will learn and achieve


- Release Limitations on living prosperous

Heal Inner Child on abundance

Release Ancestors on Scarcity

Dis-create stagnation & scarcity loops

Enhance  Self Worth Frequency

Ignite Self Empowerment

Activate Abundance Frequency

- Tuning into the Wealth Vibration

Manifestation Magic

The Rich Mindset



Royal Spirit consists of


  • Course Manual

  • 8 Pre Recorded videos

  • 7 healing and activating meditations

  • 1 powerful declaration

  • Access to the Private FB study group

  • Lifetime Access

  • Certificate of Completion

  • Surprise Gift 

  • Immediate Access- Online - No attendance required- watch at your own pace


This Certified Online Course costs $ 188

Client Experiences

"Yes Yes Yes, this course assisted me in aligning myself to an abundant energy. 

I feel so empowered & my creator energy is very real. Thank you" 


George, 34 - Peru

"I loved the tips that you shared, they are so simple yet make a huge difference. My mindset is completely shifted and I feel so wealthy. Thank you"


Nancy, 26 - Bali

"WOW. A week after this course, I received a bonus at work and I feel life is flowing easier towards me. I am happier and more in charge."


Jacob 28, Greece

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